Unusual red eye high blood pressure related eye problems diabetes mellitus related eye problems HIV or AIDS patients who can have eye problem in future need to consult an ophthalmologist as soon as possible to save their sight. Vision Essentials Home Page - Kaiser Permanente Vision Essentials ALERT: Contact lens orders may take 8-12 days to deliver. Loss of peripheral (side) vision misaligned eyes new floaters (black "strings" or specks in the vision) and/or flashes of light pain in the eye thyroid disease-related eye problems (Graves' disease) Patients having eye problems like bulging of one or both eyes dark curtain or veil that blocks vision decreased vision, even if temporary ĭistorted vision double vision excess tearing eyelid abnormalities family history of eye disease halos (colored circles around lights) injury to the eye He/she is medically trained to deliver total eye care: primary, secondary and tertiary (i.e., vision services, contact lenses, eye examinations, medical eye care and surgical eye care), diagnose general diseases of the body and treat ocular manifestations of systemic diseases. Ophthalmologists is a physician who specializes in eye and vision care. Trying to find a Used Mazda Cx 9 for sale in Riverside, CA We can help Check out our Used inventory to find the.